C++ Course

Learn from the basics all the way to a professional level for creating cross-platform applications which serve as a great foundation for desktop development. But still be useful and adaptable for other platforms such as mobile, this course is also great for starting programming and building upon.

Average Course Length

7.5 hours

Skill Level


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1: What Is C++?
2: Setting Up A Project
3: Console Out
4: Data Types
5: Variables
6: Console In
7: Strings
8: Constants
9: Assignment Operator
10: Arithmetic Operator
11: Compound Assignment Operators
12: Increment and Decrement Operators
13: Relation and Comparison Operators
14: Logical Operators
15: Conditional Ternary Operator
16: Comma Operator
17: Type Casting Operator
18: Bitwise Operators
19: sizeof Operator
20: Operator Precedence
21: String Streams
22: Conditional Statements
23: For Loop
24: While Loop
25: Do While Loop
26: Range-Based For Loop
27: GoTo Statement
28: Switch Statement
29: Functions
30: Function Return Statement
31: Function Arguments Passed By Value
32: Function Arguments Passed By Reference
33: Function Parameter Default Values
34: Overloaded Functions
35: Function Templates
36: Namespaces
37: Arrays
38: Multidimensional Arrays
39: References
40: Pointers
41: Delete Operator
42: Struct
43: Type Aliasing
44: Unions
45: Enumerators
46: Introduction To Classes
47: Class Access
48: Class Constructor
49: Class Pointers
50: Overloading Operators
51: This Keyword
52: Constant Objects
53: Getters and Setters
54: Static Variables
55: Static Functions
56: Template Classes
57: Class Destructor
58: Class Copy Constructor
59: Friend Function
60: Friend Class
61: Class Inheritance
62: Multiple Class Inheritance
63: Virtual Methods
64: Abstract Base Class
65: Error Handling
66: Preprocessor Macro Definitions
67: Preprocessor Conditional Directives
68: Preprocessor Line Directive
69: Preprocessor Error Directive
70: Preprocessor Source File Inclusion Directive
71: Opening A File
72: Writing To A File
73: Commenting
74: Class Header And Implementation

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75: Lists
76: Vectors