abhishekLikes 0Problem Description
i want to use custom font in one of my games..
i am using cocos2d-x 3.0 C++ and i want the code to work on iOS as well as android
so can you please help me out with this?
do i have to implement the custom font code separately for iOS and android?thanks
abhishekLikes 1
i got it to work..
i dont know why code from the internet was not working..
i simply created a new project and used the default code from HelloWorld.cpp
auto myLabel = LabelTTF::create("label text", "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", 32);
myLabel->setPosition(100, 100);
this->addChild(myLabel);This reply has been verified.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Great to hear :D
abhishekLikes 0
i have got the code running, but now i have another problem.
i am able to display text in MARKER FELT font that is by default a part of the project..
but i have another custom font named VOGUEBOLD (VogueBold.ttf) and i have tried my best but am not able to get it to work
i even tried using the PostScript name of the font which happens to be VogueBold
but it still does not work
can you help me out with this?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Could you show us all of the code you are using to use the font.
abhishekLikes 0
auto label3 = LabelTTF::create("3", "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
label3->setPosition(bn_1->getContentSize().width/2, bn_1->getContentSize().height/2);
auto label4 = LabelTTF::create("4", "fonts/VogueBold.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
label4->setPosition(bn_1->getContentSize().width/2, bn_1->getContentSize().height/2);
auto label5 = LabelTTF::create("5", "fonts/Vogue Bold.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
label5->setPosition(bn_1->getContentSize().width/2, bn_1->getContentSize().height/2);
i found VogueBold font on the internet with different names:
VogueBold.ttf and Vogue Bold.ttf, so i tried both of them, but only the Marker Felt option works
i even tried writing the font name without the font/ part and also tried adding the fonts to the resources folder directly
but nothing works
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Try some other fonts from the net, just random ones off dafont.com as it may just be a problem with the font you are trying to use,
abhishekLikes 0
ok i will do that..
thanks a lot for your suggestion
can you please tell me 2 more things..
every where i checked, people are creating a label with this code:
auto label1 = LabelTTF::create("1", "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
label1->setPosition(bn_1->getContentSize().width/2, bn_1->getContentSize().height/2);
the problem is i do not want to use auto label1 because i want to maintain a reference for this label
because i want to change its value as and when required
so what do i use here: Label *label1.. or LabelTTF *label1.. or what?
i know how to do this in iOS objective-C, but have not been able to implement this in cocos2d-x yet
i have 9 buttons:
i want all these buttons to be linked to 1 single function say: bn_X_tapped
and in this function, i want to use a switch case to check the tag of the button that was tapped and then perform particular action..
how can i do this?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
auto label1 = LabelTTF::create("1", "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
is the same asLabelTTF *label1 = LabelTTF::create("1", "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
and yes you would using LabelTTF *
Check this out http://cocos.sonarlearning.co.uk/v1.0/docs/ui-elements-such-as-uibutton
abhishekLikes 0
i tried that code already..
it shows that LabelTTF is deprecated
thats why i thought that there must be some other solution
so this is the only way?
abhishekLikes 0
// this is called when the user interacts with the button void ClassName::touchEvent( Ref *sender, Widget::TouchEventType type ) { switch (type) { case Widget::TouchEventType::BEGAN: // code to handle when the button is first clicked break; case Widget::TouchEventType::MOVED: // code to handle when the user is moving their finger/cursor whilst clicking the button break; case Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED: // code to handle when the button click has ended (e.g. finger is lifted off the screen) break; case Widget::TouchEventType::CANCELED: // code to handle when the button click has been cancelled, this is usually handled the same way as ENDED in most applications (e.g. another application takes control of the device) break; default: break; } } this is the code mentioned in the sonar-learning web page link you shared but i need to check for the tags because i want to know which button has been tapped so if my .h file, the fn is: void bn_x_tapped(Ref *sender); and i have set fn calls and button tags like this in .cpp file: bn_1 = MenuItemImage::create("lock/bn_digit_0.png", "lock/bn_digit_1.png", CC_CALLBACK_0(MainMenuScene::bn_x_tapped, this)); bn_2 = MenuItemImage::create("lock/bn_digit_0.png", "lock/bn_digit_1.png", CC_CALLBACK_0(MainMenuScene::bn_x_tapped, this)); and so on.. bn_1->setTag(1); bn_2->setTag(2); and so on.. what should i do in my .cpp file:
void MainMenuScene::bn_x_tapped(Ref *sender){
int temp = ??; (i want the tag value of the button that was tapped.. how do i do this?)
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
void ClassName::touchEvent( Ref *sender, Widget::TouchEventType type ) { Node *node = (Node *)sender; switch (type) { case Widget::TouchEventType::BEGAN: // code to handle when the button is first clicked break; case Widget::TouchEventType::MOVED: // code to handle when the user is moving their finger/cursor whilst clicking the button break; case Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED: // code to handle when the button click has ended (e.g. finger is lifted off the screen) switch ( node->getTag( ) ) { case 1: break; case 2: break; } break; case Widget::TouchEventType::CANCELED: // code to handle when the button click has been cancelled, this is usually handled the same way as ENDED in most applications (e.g. another application takes control of the device) break; default: break; } }
abhishekLikes 0
thanks a lot..
this worked perfect !!
i suggest you use the above code in your web page also..
this way people who have the same doubt as me will get their answers directly
abhishekLikes 0
about this particular issue:
auto label3 = LabelTTF::create("3", "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
label3->setPosition(bn_1->getContentSize().width/2, bn_1->getContentSize().height/2);
auto label4 = LabelTTF::create("4", "fonts/VogueBold.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
label4->setPosition(bn_1->getContentSize().width/2, bn_1->getContentSize().height/2);
auto label5 = LabelTTF::create("5", "fonts/Vogue Bold.ttf", (visibleSize.width/1920)*80);
label5->setPosition(bn_1->getContentSize().width/2, bn_1->getContentSize().height/2);
i found VogueBold font on the internet with different names:
VogueBold.ttf and Vogue Bold.ttf, so i tried both of them, but only the Marker Felt option works
i even tried writing the font name without the font/ part and also tried adding the fonts to the resources folder directly
but nothing works
i tried using other fonts as well
nothing else works, only Marker Felt is working properly
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Try using a newer version of Cocos2d-x
abhishekLikes 0
ok i will try to do that 2moro..
i need help with array as well
but will add that as a separate qn
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
abhishekLikes 0
i updated to the latest version of cocos2d-x (3.5) and now i am able to use custom font.
thank you for your suggestion.. it helped a lot.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Great to hear
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