xVectorLikes 0Problem Description
I have a issue with the binding of my events with your respective sprite.
This is my code:
var GameLayer = cc.Layer.extend({ sprite:null, ctor:function () { this._super(); var size = cc.winSize; var gradient = cc.LayerGradient(cc.color(0,0,0,255),cc.color(0x46,0x82,0xB4,255)); this.addChild(gradient); for(i=0;i<16;i++){ var tile = new MemoryTile(); this.addChild(tile,0); tile.setPosition(49+i%4*74,400-Math.floor(i/4)*74); } return true; } }); var MemoryTile = cc.Sprite.extend({ ctor:function() { this._super(); this.initWithFile(res.cover); var listener = cc.EventListener.create({ event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE, swallowTouches: true, onTouchBegan: function (touch, event) { var target = event.getCurrentTarget(); var location = target.convertToNodeSpace(touch.getLocation()); var targetSize = target.getContentSize(); var targetRectangle = cc.rect(0, 0, targetSize.width, targetSize.height); if (cc.rectContainsPoint(targetRectangle, location)) { console.log("I picked a tile!!"); } //console.log('touche po oe: ' + targetSize); return true; } }); cc.eventManager.addListener(listener.clone(), this); } });
So, the problem is that only the first sprite created still with the eventListener (the touch works), i think the listener.clone() is not working, any ideas of what i'm doing wrong?
The version of my cocos2d is 3.7.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Did you see listener.clone somewhere so you used it?
xVectorLikes 0
In the official documentation of cocos2d-js, the method .clone still appear, but i think is deprecated now.
I fix my problem with the answer in StackOverflow, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32505699/bind-eventlistener-issue
BTW, thx for the answer :)
Sonar Systems adminLikes 1
Great to hear, could you post the answer as a solution on Sonar Learning please so the entire community can benefit from your wisdom.
xVectorLikes 1
the create method is deprecated, this should work just fine inside memory tile instead of the var listener and the add listener:
cc.eventManager.addListener({ event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE, swallowTouches: false, onTouchBegan: function (touch, event) { var target = event.getCurrentTarget(); var location = target.convertToNodeSpace(touch.getLocation()); var targetSize = target.getContentSize(); var targetRectangle = cc.rect(0, 0, targetSize.width, targetSize.height); if (cc.rectContainsPoint(targetRectangle, location)) { console.log("I picked a tile!!"); } //console.log('touche po oe: ' + targetSize); return true; } }, this);
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Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
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