increasing the character speed in real-time
Cocos2d-x v3-
pabitrapadhyLikes 0Problem Description
Hello there,
I have code like this –// move action int maxFloors = DataManager::getInstance()->_floorCount; this->_liftSpeed = DataManager::getInstance()->_liftSpeed; auto move = MoveBy::create(fabs(steps * this->_liftSpeed), Vec2(0, (spaceBuilding->getContentSize().height/maxFloors * steps))); auto liftFreeCB = CallFunc::create( [&, floorNum, requestedLevelLabel] () { Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin(); // set the lift to free this->_isLiftBusy = false; CCLOG("LIFT FREE"); // set the current floor number for the lift this->_currFloor = floorNum; // something's going on....... });
Now, when I change the speed of the sprite, and by that time if it is moving, it will not reflect the new speed.
because for MoveBy action is already running.
If I need to reflect the speed instantly, how could I do that. ?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Stop the action.
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