rashasalahLikes 0Problem Description
var listener1 = cc.eventManager.addListener({ event:cc.EventListener.MOUSE, onMouseDown: function(event) { if (event.getButton() == cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_LEFT){ if(right.isSelected()) { x1=a; y1=b; LR+=x1; actions.push(cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(x1,y1))); score(); } else if(left.isSelected()){ x1=-a; y1=b; LR+=x1; actions.push(cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(x1,y1))); score(); } else if(down.isSelected()) { x1=0; y1=-a; UD+=y1; actions.push(cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(x1,y1))); score(); } else if(up.isSelected()) {if(updown>0) { x1=0; y1=a; UD+=y1; actions.push(cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(x1,y1))); score(); } } else if(playItem.isSelected()) { runFunction(); playItem.setEnabled(false); menu.setEnabled(false); } else if(replayItem.isSelected()) { replayAction(); } else if(pauseItem.isSelected()) { ++fl; pauseResume(); } } } }, this); var changeFunction = function(){ if(LR==(100-(px1*50))&&UD==(py1*-50)){ setTimeout(function(){ var scoreText =cc.LabelTTF.create("CONGRATULATIONS","Impact","50"); scoreText.setPosition(pos); scoreText.color = cc.color(255,215,0); var rotate = cc.RotateBy.create(1,360); scoreText.runAction(rotate); this_.addChild(scoreText); },2500); } } var runFunction = function(){ var seq = new cc.Sequence.create(actions,cc.callFunc(changeFunction(), this)); nimo.runAction( seq); if(flag1){ dory.runAction(dory_action); } if(flag2){ oct.runAction(oct_action); } if(flag3){ parent.runAction(parent_action); } }
i want to make the actions in the actions[] run one after one like the same in sequence action in the runfunction(), because when i try to run it with for loop the actions tun fast tillit make a curve not a line how can that happen , itis my graduated project in my colledge so i really want a certain answer in cocos2d js , please i tried many times and nothing happened correctly
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
What happens without a loop?
rashasalahLikes 0
the motion become like a curve not in a line segment for example : in 4*4 grid i need to move right one place and down one place so with loop it become curved line not straight and found error which : this.target is null !!
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Are you doing the horizontal and vertical movement at the same time?
rashasalahLikes 0
no every turn in the for loop one action only is run in the array of the actions saved
rashasalahLikes 0
can i contact any developer here ,please ?
it is a graduation project and i really need a help to overcome this problem
if not give me a sloution , if yes i will be very glad
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Have you tried a sequence?
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rashasalahLikes 0
yes i have tried it but i have a problem with it i run it in a called function with another actions the senario is :
nimo spirte try to move on grid i.e 3*3 so he move 2 towards right where dory spirte is located and 2 downwards in the grid where nimo’s dad is found
i want nimo when go to the same position of any other spirte as dory or dad to be disappered i made it by fadeout after that when went to the dad’s postions which i make it nimo’s goal a text appered like : congratulation , level 1 complete
when i make a sequence of actions of nimo moves in array actions which named “actions ”in the snip code i have posted in previous replay and begin to run sequence after this actions ,
i make a conditions if flags is true as he in the dory or dad position to be disappered and if itis goal to appear congruts text ,
but thats not what happen while running : all of this instructions run in parallel why? i don’t now!! , so i tried to make action by action to prevent this parallel running actions but the probelm i have asked about it first happen
this is my senario kid’s game i need a solution please , thanks
my part of code which make this problem
actions array ---- playmenuitem : calls (run function) --- run function : calls (change function ) --- change function : congratulation text
var listener1 = cc.eventManager.addListener({ event:cc.EventListener.MOUSE, onMouseDown: function(event) { if (event.getButton() == cc.EventMouse.BUTTON_LEFT){ if(right.isSelected()) { if (c<2) { ++c; m1=1; cre(); x1=a; y1=b; LR+=x1; actions.push(cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(x1,y1))); score(); } } else if(left.isSelected()){if(c>0) { --c; m2=1; cre(); x1=-a; y1=b; LR+=x1; actions.push(cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(x1,y1))); score(); } } else if(down.isSelected()) {if(updown<2) { ++updown; m3=1; cre(); x1=0; y1=-a; UD+=y1; actions.push(cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(x1,y1))); score(); } } else if(up.isSelected()) {if(updown>0) { --updown;m4=1;cre(); x1=0; y1=a; UD+=y1; actions.push(cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(x1,y1))); score(); } } else if(playItem.isSelected()) { runFunction(); playItem.setEnabled(false); menu.setEnabled(false); } var changeFunction = function(){ if(LR==(100-(px1*50))&&UD==(py1*-50)){ setTimeout(function(){ var scoreText =cc.LabelTTF.create("CONGRATULATIONS","Impact","50"); scoreText.setPosition(pos); scoreText.color = cc.color(255,215,0); var rotate = cc.RotateBy.create(1,360); scoreText.runAction(rotate); this_.addChild(scoreText); },2500); } } var runFunction = function(){ var seq = new cc.Sequence.create(actions, cc.callFunc(changeFunction(), this)); nimo.runAction( seq); if(flag1){ dory.runAction(dory_action); } if(flag2){ oct.runAction(oct_action); } if(flag3){ parent.runAction(parent_action); } }
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Try settings the actions in the sequence without an array.
rashasalahLikes 0
the same thing is happen no change
how can i solve that ?
can i upload the project file here and check it for me ?
rashasalahLikes 0
my main problem is the call of the “change function” in the code shared ,itis run in parallel of the run sequence and that is not true i have to wait until be in the goal place and that thing not happen
so from the senario i have commented it here before how can i manage the movement of nimo inside the grid ?
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