Problem in loading spritesheet (plist) file in to project only on windows phone

  • Evani Ram
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    Problem Description
    Hey can you tell me how to load  spritesheet into my project. i tried to add asserts from existing resources and also tried to add into the Resource folder in Root directory of the project . i am using the following code to access the plist file in my Project

    //Accessing the plist file from asserts->Resources

    //Loading Single Image into Canvas from the Plist.
    image= CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("frame-1.png");

    This code works perfectly in android .But when i try to load the plist file the app crashes with "access violation" exception.  
    It would be great if you guys can make a video on  loading asserts into windows phone (Visual Studio 201.3). i am new to the game development ,so please guide me on this issue.

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