PHP Object Oriented Programming
PHP is a great language that supports Object Oriented Programming. Using this series you can learn what is needed to create rich OOP websites. You will also create a calculator along the way. Created by phpacademy.
Recommended that you have a basic foundation in PHP before taking this course.
Average Course Length
1.5 hours
Skill Level
Pick a lesson
1: Introduction (1/13)
2: Classes (2/13)
3: Constructors (3/13)
4: Inheritance (4/13)
5: Visibility (5/13)
6: Dependency Injection (6/13)
7: Interfaces (7/13)
8: Magic Methods (8/13)
9: Abstract Classes (9/13)
10: Static (10/13)
11: Method Chaining (11/13)
12: Build a Calculator (12/13)
13: Autoloading (13/13)