Python 2.x Programming

Python is a very easy language to pickup. Code is simple and dynamic. It provides Object Oriented techniques to create applications. Created by thenewboston.

Average Course Length

5 hours

Skill Level


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1: Installing Python
2: Numbers and Math
3: Variables
4: Modules and Functions
5: How to Save Your Programs
6: Strings
7: More on Strings
8: Raw Input
9: Sequences and Lists
10: Slicing
11: Editing Sequences
12: More List Functions
13: Slicing Lists
14: Intro to Methods
15: More Methods
16: Sort and Tuples
17: Strings n Stuff
18: Cool String Methods
19: Dictionary
20: If Statement
21: else and elif
22: Nesting Statements
23: Comparison Operators
24: And and Or
25: For and While Loops
26: Infinite Loops and Break
27: Building Functions
28: Default Parameters
29: Multiple Parameters
30: Parameter Types
31: Tuples as Parameters
32: Object Oriented Program
33: Classes and Self
34: Subclasses Superclasses
35: Overwrite Variable on Sub
36: Multiple Parent Classes
37: Constructors
38: Import Modules
39: reload Modules
40: Getting Module Info
41: Working with Files
42: Reading and Writing
43: Writing Lines