Python 3.x Programming

Python is a very easy language to pickup. Code is simple and dynamic. It provides Object Oriented techniques to create applications. Created by thenewboston.

Average Course Length

6 hours

Skill Level


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1: Installing Python
2: Numbers
3: Strings
4: Slicing up Strings
5: Lists
6: Installing PyCharm
7: if elif else
8: for
9: Range and While
10: Comments and Break
11: Continue
12: Functions
13: Return Values
14: Default Values for Arguments
15: Variable Scope
16: Keyword Arguments
17: Flexible Number of Arguments
18: Unpacking Arguments
19: My trip to Walmart and Sets
20: Dictionary
21: Modules
22: Download an Image from the Web
23: How to Read and Write Files
24: Downloading Files from the Web
25: How to Build a Web Crawler (1/3)
26: How to Build a Web Crawler (2/3)
27: How to Build a Web Crawler (3/3)
28: You are the only Exception
29: Classes and Objects
30: init
31: Class vs Instance Variables
32: Inheritance
33: Multiple Inheritance
34: threading
35: Word Frequency Counter (1/3)
36: Word Frequency Counter (2/3)
37: Word Frequency Counter (3/3)
38: Unpack List or Tuples
39: Zip (and yeast infection story)
40: Lamdba
41: Min, Max, and Sorting Dictionaries
42: Pillow
43: Cropping Images
44: Combine Images Together
45: Getting Individual Channels
46: Awesome Merge Effect
47: Basic Transformations
48: Modes and Filters