3D Game Engine Development

Learn how to create a 3D Game Engine. Thanks to thebennybox you can learn this subject easily.

Recommended that you have a strong foundation in C++ before taking this course.

Average Course Length

25 hours

Skill Level


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1: FAQ
2: Creating a Window
3: Core Engine
4: Input
5: Vectors
6: Matrices
7: Quaternions
8: Starting Rendering Mechanics
9: Mesh Rendering
10: Shaders
11: GLSL
12: Uniforms
13: Translation
14: Rotation
15: Scaling
16: Mesh Faces
17: Mesh Loading (OBJ)
18: Perspective Projection
19: Camera
20: Quaternion Rotation and Camera Part 2
21: Finishing the Camera
22: Texturing
23: Finishing Rendering Mechanics
24: Ambient Lighting
25: Directional Light Part 1
26: Directional Light Part 2
27: Specular Reflection
28: Point Lights Part 1
29: Point Lights Part 2
30: Optimizing Point Lights
31: Spot Lights
32: Finishing the Lighting Segment
33: Engine Architecture
34: Core Engine System
35: Scene Graph
36: Rendering Engine Part 1/2
37: Rendering Engine Part 2/2
38: The Little Things
39: Forward Rendering, 1/3
40: Forward Rendering, 2/3
41: Forward Rendering, 3/3
42: Integrating Lighting
43: Generic Lighting
44: Finalizing Lighting
45: Quaternions & Transformation
46: Proper Camera Rotation
47: Transform Hierarchy, 1/2
48: Transform Hierarchy, 2/2
49: Generic Materials
50: "Proper" OBJ Loading
51: OBJ Mesh Optimization
52: Finishing OBJ Loading
53: Mesh Management
54: Texture Management
55: Reusing Shader Code
56: Automatic Uniforms
57: Uniform Struct Detection
58: Automatic Uniform Updates
59: Finishing Uniforms
60: Finishing Resource Management
61: The End