XNA Programming

XNA is a set of tools from Microsoft that provide a managed runtime that facilitates video game development and management. Created by Oyyou.

Recommended that you have a basic foundation in C# before taking this course.

Average Course Length

8 hours

Skill Level


Pick a lesson

1: Getting Started with XNA
2: Add Image
3: Move Image
4: Screen Parameters
5: Bouncing Ball
6: Random Movement
7: Collision
8: "Cheap" AI
9: Classes
10: Inheritance
11: Scrolling Background
12: Arrays
13: Animation
14: Switches
15: Enum
16: Fonts
17: Keyboard input
18: Sprite Rotation
19: Advanced Movement
20: Add Video
21: Fade Video/Image
22: 2D Camera
23: Sprite "Look at" Mouse
24: Shooting Bullets
25: Jumping and Gravity
26: RectangleHelper and List
27: Sound Effects and Music
28: Spawning Enemies
29: Enemies Shoot
30: Main Menu System
31: Patrolling Enemies
32: Health Bar
33: Split Screen Multiplayer
34: Per Pixel Collision Detection
35: Pause Function
36: Particle Generator
37: get/set Methods
38: Advanced 2D Camera (Zoom/Rotate)
39: Advanced Health Bar
40: Advanced Animation
41: Creating and Adding Game Library
42: Creating a Tile Map (1/3)
43: Creating a Tile Map (2/3)
44: Creating a Tile Map (3/3)
45: Creating a Game (1/3)
46: Creating a Game (2/3)
47: Creating a Game (3/3)