
Arithmetic is the most basic form of Mathematics, it is essential to all branches of Mathematics and many branches of Science. Created by Khan Academy.

Average Course Length

8 hours

Skill Level


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1: Basic Addition
2: Addition 2
3: Level 2 Addition
4: Addition 3
5: Addition 4
6: Basic Subtraction
7: Subtraction 2
8: Subtraction 3: Introduction to Borrowing or Regrouping
9: Alternate mental subtraction method
10: Why borrowing works
11: Level 4 Subtraction
12: Why borrowing works
13: Adding Decimals
14: Subtracting decimals
15: Basic Multiplication
16: Multiplication : The Multiplication Tables
17: Multiplication : 10,11,12 times tables
18: Multiplication : 2-digit times a 2-digit number
19: Multiplication : Multiple Digit Numbers
20: Multiplication : Old video giving more examples
21: Mulitplication : Multiplying decimals
22: Lattice Multiplication
23: Why Lattice Multiplication Works
24: Division 1
25: Division 2
26: Division 3: More long division and remainder examples
27: Level 4 division
28: Converting fractions to decimals
29: Percent and decimals
30: Dividing decimal
31: Ordering Numeric Expressions
32: Greatest Common Divisor
33: Equivalent fractions
34: Mixed numbers and improper fractions
35: Time Differences 1
36: Time Differences in Different Time Zones
37: Prime Numbers
38: Partial Quotient Division
39: Partial Quotient Method of Division 2