JavaScript Course

JavaScript is a dynamic programming language, this course will teach you to incorporate JavaScript into your website turning it from static to dynamic.

Recommended that you know HTML and CSS before taking this course.

Average Course Length

2.5 hours

Skill Level


Pick a lesson

1: What Is JavaScript?
2: Setting Up
3: Syntax
4: Alert
5: Console Logging
6: Variables
7: Data Types
8: Array
9: Objects
10: Custom Objects
11: Object Constructors
12: Functions
13: Operators
14: Maths
15: Comparison Operators
16: Logical Operators
17: Conditional Statements
18: Switch Statement
19: For Loop
20: For In Loop
21: While Loop
22: Do While Loop
23: Break Statement
24: Continue Statement
25: Errors
26: Strict Mode
27: Reserved Keywords
28: Commenting