PHP 7 New Features

PHP is one of the most popular web languages. Now with PHP 7, it is faster than ever with a ton of new features. Created by Avelx.

Recommended that you know PHP before taking this course.

Average Course Length

5 hours

Skill Level


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1: Introduction
2: XAMPP PHP7 setup
3: Primitive type declarations
4: Object type declarations
5: Return type declarations
6: Null coalescing operator
7: Spaceship operator
8: Constant arrays using define
9: Anonymous classes
10: Unicode codepoint escape syntax
11: Functional call context
12: Unserialize filtering
13: Expectations
14: Namespacing, use and group use declarations in PHP
15: Integer division
16: Session options
17: Random bytes and random int functions
18: Revamped regular expression function
19: What are Generators?
20: Generator Syntax
21: Generator Yielding Values
22: PHP7 Generator new features
23: Deprecated features of PHP7
24: Conclusion