barabasandras1Likes 1Problem Description
So what is the difference in performance? Why is Cocos2d-JS even here? I know you can easily create browser games with that. But my question is: can you make games like Angry Birds or other “not browser games” with it? As I can see JS is much more documentated and supported now than cpp.
I’m fucking tired of eclipseshit and c++ in general (I’m not a fan of it), that most of the time during game development I have issues either with the IDE, or with the fucking compiler that doesn’t support a single to_string, or just eclipse random deletes my important project files. Of course I have to build to even get C++ SYNTAX errors wtf. Should be giving errors real time. I know this is because ADT but seriously.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 1
Personal preference, some people prefer C++ some prefer JavaScript.
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barabasandras1Likes 1
Other question is still there: I can do the same things with js like with cpp right? Not just browser games
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Sonar Systems adminLikes 1
Sorry for late reply and yes you can do the same such as develop for iOS and Android :D
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efaresLikes 1
I wouldn’t be too worried about performance difference or any other differences. I am very familiar with JavaScript and want to get right into game development so I went with Cocos2d-JS. I could spend time learning C++ but why would I when I can do everything in JS.
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