Cannot get update with my highscore

  • MoseHas
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    Hi there. It is me again.

    After I watched the episode “Saving The Score”of Creating Flappy Bird Cocos2d-x Course, I tried to implement this pretty cool function in my code.

    Unforetunately, I failed and did not know why, so I tried to copy and paste the partial lesson source code which was modified in the lesson.

    Surprisingly, it still did not work. My highscore never got updated. It just followed what I have scored in current game.

    Would you mind checking my code and see what is going on? Thanks.

    Here is my code below.

    #include "GameOverScene.h"
    #include "GameScene.h"
    #include "MainMenuScene.h" 
    #include "Definitions.h"
    unsigned int score;
    Scene* GameOverScene::createScene(unsigned int tempscore)
    	score = tempscore;
        // 'scene' is an autorelease object
        auto scene = Scene::create();
        // 'layer' is an autorelease object
        auto layer = GameOverScene::create();
        // add layer as a child to scene
        // return the scene
        return scene;
    // on "init" you need to initialize your instance
    bool GameOverScene::init()
        // 1. super init first
        if ( !Layer::init() )
            return false;
        Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
        Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
    	auto backgroundSprite = Sprite::create("background.jpg");
    	backgroundSprite->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width / 2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height / 2 + origin.y));
    	auto retryItem = MenuItemImage::create("RetryButton.png", "RetryButtonClicked.png", CC_CALLBACK_1( GameOverScene::GoToGameScene,this));
    	retryItem->setPosition(Point((visibleSize.width + origin.x) / 3 * 1, visibleSize.height / 2 + origin.y));
    	auto mainMenuItem = MenuItemImage::create("MenuButton.png", "MenuButtonClicked.png", CC_CALLBACK_1(GameOverScene::GoToMainMenuScene, this));
    	mainMenuItem->setPosition(Point((visibleSize.width + origin.x) / 3 * 2, visibleSize.height / 2 + origin.y));
    	auto menu = Menu::create(retryItem, mainMenuItem, NULL);
    	UserDefault *def = UserDefault::getInstance();
    	auto highScore = def->getIntegerForKey("HIGHSCORE FLAPPY", 0);
    	if (score>highScore)
    		highScore = score;
    		def->setIntegerForKey("HIGHSCORE FLAPPY", highScore);
    	__String *tempScore = __String::createWithFormat("Your Score: %i", score);
    	auto currentScore = Label::createWithTTF (tempScore->getCString(), "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", visibleSize.height * SCORE_FONT_SIZE);
    	currentScore->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width / 2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height * 0.7 + origin.y));
    	__String *tempHighScore = __String::createWithFormat("HighScore: %i", highScore);
    	auto highScoreLabel = Label::createWithTTF(tempHighScore->getCString(), "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", visibleSize.height * SCORE_FONT_SIZE);
    	highScoreLabel->setPosition(Point((visibleSize.width + origin.x) / 2 , visibleSize.height + origin.y - highScoreLabel->getContentSize().height));
        return true;
    void GameOverScene::GoToMainMenuScene(cocos2d::Ref *sender)
    	auto scene = MainMenuScene::createScene();
    	Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(TransitionFade::create(TRANSITION_TIME, scene));
    void GameOverScene::GoToGameScene(cocos2d::Ref *sender)
    	auto scene = GameScene::createScene();
    	Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(TransitionFade::create(TRANSITION_TIME, scene));


    ps. this is my original code, so the position of labels and buttons will be a little bit different from the source code. Thanks.

  • MoseHas
    Likes 0

    Will scene replacement erase my highscore? I recall that I use replaceScene to implement retry function.

    But I have looked into the source code, it used replaceScene as well.

    I assume my def->setIntegerForKey did not work.

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    As long as you flush the UserDefault it should save, so isn’t it saving?

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  • MoseHas
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    I tried to check it out if it is saving or not but I have no idea how to. 

    Would you teach me how to debug it?


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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    just use the getinteger line

    def->getIntegerForKey("HIGHSCORE FLAPPY", 0);

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  • MoseHas
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    Sorry I cannot fully understand.

    auto highScore = def->getIntegerForKey("HIGHSCORE FLAPPY", 0);

    Is that correct?

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    yh, the highScore variable should have your saved value now


    Also check out this video for more info on UserDefaults

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  • MoseHas
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    They did save in my newly created project but could not work on the old one.

    Let me try more and report it.

  • MoseHas
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    UserDefault *def = UserDefault::getInstance();
    	auto highScore = def->getIntegerForKey("HIGHSCORE FLAPPY", 0);
    	if (highScoresetIntegerForKey("HIGHSCORE FLAPPY", highScore);

    The partial code should get a default integer from HIGHSCORE FLAPPY, which is 0 in the very first beginning.

    After the game is proceeding, score has been modified and should go into the if decision because the score is now larger than highScore.

    Now we assign score value into highScore in order to replace the lower grade, and use setIntegerForKey to save new value into HIGHSCORE FLAPPY.

    If my thought is correct, this should be what my code is doing. However, it is not.

    Do I have any other method to implement this function? It is really strange.

  • MoseHas
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    I have tried to debug it and I discovered that no matter what the last game score was, highScore was always 0.

    Officially give up. I have created an another brand new project, pasted all the code downloaded from GitHub and it still did not work.

    But I did succeed ONLY using UserDefault to perserve the value.

    Another frustrating day.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    What do you mean by this


    But I did succeed ONLY using UserDefault to perserve the value.

  • MoseHas
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    Apology for my poor English.

    What I mean is, I created a new project, and tested UserDefault. Turns out it worked properly. It did save the value after setIntegerForKey();

    But I still don’t know why it could not use UserDefault on my flappy bird project.

    Does this often occur? Same code lines work different in different project.

    Or just because of my pathetic coding ability? 

    Stuck for two days.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    This shoulnd’t be an issue, have you tried getting the entire code from Github and testing that without any modifications?

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  • MoseHas
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    Yes, I have tried. And it did not work as well.

    Only will I succeed if I create a new project and do nothing but UserDefault function.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    What version of Cocos are you using?

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  • MoseHas
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    cocos2d-x-3.6, downloaded last Monday.

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Try an older version but that shouldn’t be a problem.

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  • MoseHas
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    I have just discovered that there was a error message displayed after it created the gameoverscene.

    I assume it is why the score could not be stored.

    read root node error

    Is that possible the program tried to access the path but failed?


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  • MoseHas
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    Problem Solved!! Thanks to Google.

    1. DO NOT use space character as your key name.
    2. delete the UserDefault.xml from your computer.
    3. rebuild and run your program.

    This is weird because I saw the tutorial use “HIGHSCORE FLAPPY”as the key, and it worked.

    However, I saw others have the same issue, and they provided the solution.

    The path of UserDefault.xml is “C:\Users\(USERNAME)\AppData\Local\(PROJECT_NAME)


    Thank you!


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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Maybe because i was on Mac, good to know for the future :D


    Glad it’s now solved :D

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  • MoseHas
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    Thank you!

    I have never been so eager to buy a Mac.  This is insane. Stable environment is the top priority for developers.

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    I prefer Windows overall but I do prefer Mac for development as I just find it’s less hassle to perform mundane tasks.

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