MoseHasLikes 0Problem Description
Hi there. I hope I post this on the right area.
I am now studying someone else’s popstar code. And this pops out. Cannot really understand even if I checked it on MSDN.
He did a label floating in and out effect with such code:
void FloatWord::floatIn(const float delay, std::function<void()> callback) { Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); //float in to the center of the screen. Therefore, the height is unchanged. MoveTo* move = MoveTo::create(delay, Point(visibleSize.width / 2, _begin.y)); //This part CallFunc* call = CallFunc::create(callback); //This part Sequence* action = Sequence::create(move, call, NULL); _label->runAction(action); }
I am not sure, but I think it is so called Lambda expression. It looks so abstract.
A lambda expression is like an anonymous function that maintains state and can access the variables that are available to the enclosing scope.
I am not sure what it means. Would you please explain it with an example for me?
Thank you very much!
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Do you want us to explain Lambda functions or the code?
MoseHasLikes 0
Both, if you may. The reason why I want to understand it is because someday I might have to use it. Gotta know how it work and how to use.
By the way, I found a page introducing Lambda expression.
Even the very first syntax part confuses my head. Oh my...
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
How familiar are you with C++?
MoseHasLikes 0
Basically I am more familiar with C like Linked lists, stacks, pointers, etc.
C++ part is not that good, especially polymorphism and inheritance.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Learn c++ before doing Cocos2d-x
Check this out http://www.sonarlearning.co.uk/coursepage.php?topic=desktop&course=cplusplus
MoseHasLikes 0
I have finished most of the lessons. I just picked those I am not so familiar with.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
ok thats cool
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MoseHasLikes 0
Holy crap I have just closed the page without submitting. What a dumb I am.
I have just discovered a page that explains lambda expression. Try to explain it with my words.
Lambda Expression is a new function in C++11, which brings programmers flexibility and conciseness.
It is an expression of anonymoius function, which allows the programmers create a function without declaring it.
[=] (int x) mutable throw() -> int { //compound-statement int n = x + y; return n; }
[=]: lambda-introducer, aka capture clause.
It is necessary to every lambda expression. Not only it is the keyword to lambda expression, but also it captures variables.
- [ ]: Do not capture the external variables.
- [=]: Pass every variables by value.
- [&]: Pass every variables by reference.
- [x, &y]: Pass x by value and pass y by reference.
- [=, &y]: Pass y by reference and pass the rest by value.
- [&, x]: Pass x by value and pass hte rest by reference.
And we should put the capture-default(=,&) in the first.
(int x): lambda declarator, aka parameter list.
There are some restrictions about it.
- No default assignment of the parameter.
- No parameter list with dynamic size.
- The parameter must include named parameter.
Lambda declarator is not necessary. If we do not need to pass any parameter we could just get rid of it.
mutable: mutable specification, which allows us to modify the variables passed by value. It is not necessary either.
throw(): exception specification.
(I do not know what the function exception is, but it says this could handle the exception part.)
→ int: return type. What lambda expression is returning. If we do not return anything, we could skip it.
Well, I think I get the most of it.
Now let’s see the code and discuss it, shall we?
void FloatWord::floatIn(const float delay, std::function callback) { Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); //float in to the center of the screen. Therefore, the height is unchanged. MoveTo* move = MoveTo::create(delay, Point(visibleSize.width / 2, _begin.y)); //This CallFunc* call = CallFunc::create(callback); //This Sequence* action = Sequence::create(move, call, NULL); _label->runAction(action); }
void GameLayer::floatLevelWord() { Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); _levelMsg = FloatWord::create("Level" + cocos2d::String::createWithFormat(": %d", GAMEDATA::getInstance()->getNextLevel())->_string, /*display level string*/ visibleSize.width * FONT_SIZE, /*set the font size*/ Point(visibleSize.width, visibleSize.height / 3 * 2)); /*set the position*/ this->addChild(_levelMsg,1); _levelMsg->floatIn(FLOAT_EFFECT_DELAY_SEC, CC_CALLBACK_0(GameLayer::floatTargetScoreWord, this)); }
So is he passing the CC_CALLBACK_0 into the lambda function? Or did I just misunderstand?
Thank you.
Is this lambda expression?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
If it’s not bound to an identifier then it’s a lambda function.
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