IDFA not working in Google Analytics (Cocos Helper for iOS)

  • abhishek
    Likes 1

    Problem Description

    Hi Sonar Systems,
    I used your Cocos Helper series to integrate Google Analytics in my cocos2d-x game.
    I was able to track SCREENS as well as EVENTS but i am not able to use the IDFA feature that is very important for me.

    I want to run an install campaign and hence need the IDFA, but i get this error in the log when i run the app:
    VERBOSE: GoogleAnalytics 3.12 +[GAITrackerModel initialize] (GAITrackerModel.m:88): idfa class missing, won't collect idfa

    I have tried searching for answers on the internet, but everyone says that we have to simply link these 2 files to get it to work:

    Can you please help me out in any way possible.
    I keep getting the same error that IDFA CLASS IS MISSING !!
    did u get this error in the sample code you made for the tutorial?



  • Sonar Systems admin
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  • abhishek
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    Yes, i have already checked this link. It’s the same implementation that you have done in your video.
    So even i have done the same things that have been mentioned in the above link. But i still get the same problem..​

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Check this out


    Also what frameworks have you added to your project for Google Analytics?

  • abhishek
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    I have used all the frameworks that were mentioned by you in the Cocos Helper tutorial (they are the same framework files that are also listed in the link you just shared).

    But i just read a line in the official google documentation that says:
    Note: depending on your build settings, the linker flag -force_load /path/to/libAdIdAccess.a may be required.

    And in the link you shared above, a user commented the following:

    To do so simply add the following lines into your build settings Other Linker Flags(OTHER_LDFLAGS) :

    -framework AdSupport

    -force_load "${PODS_ROOT}/GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK/libAdIdAccess.a"

    so do i simply copy paste these 2 lines as they are?
    i mean the PODS_ROOT part.. or do i have to enter some specific path etc. over there?



  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    PODS_ROOT is for Cocoa Pods which we aren’t using.


    Replace ${PODS_ROOT} with the actual root


    Let us know how it goes

  • abhishek
    Likes 0

    instead of the path thing i simple dragged and dropped the libAdIdAccess.a 
    this way the path was set automatically and i was able to build the project.

    i am not even getting the IDFA error anymore so i think the issue has been sorted
    thank you so much for your help and support

    you guys are doing a great job!

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Sweet did you the line aswell

    -framework AdSupport

    We will mention this in our Cocos2d-JS video


    How are you finding the helper?

  • abhishek
    Likes 0

    i copy pasted these lines as they are in the other linker flags section

    -framework AdSupport

    -force_load "${PODS_ROOT}/GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK/libAdIdAccess.a"

    but because i was getting the path error,
    i dragged and dropped that file and i got a new line below the above mentioned line
    then i deleted the first line (the one with PODS_ROOT) and everything was fine! 

    and yes, your Cocos Helper series is awesome !!
    to be honest, the best tutorial series for cocos2d-x ever !!
    you guys are focusing on all the topics that we really need help with..


    i have another request..
    please whenever you have time, make a video tutorial for scrollView in cocos2d-x using C++
    may be something like the selection screen of angry birds and cut the rope  

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Also thanks for your feedback.

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