MoseHasLikes 0Problem Description
Hi there.
I just found out that my particle effect will cause memory waste issue. I have tested in different ways. Would you check this for me?
void showStarParticleEffect(const int color,const Point position, Node* node) { ParticleExplosion* effect = ParticleExplosion::create(); effect->setTexture(Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage("star.png")); effect->setTotalParticles(800); effect->setStartColor(getColor4F(color)); effect->setStartColorVar(Color4F(0, 0, 0, 1)); effect->setEndColor(getColor4F(color)); effect->setEndColorVar(Color4F(0, 0, 0, 1)); effect->setStartSize(25.0f); effect->setGravity(Point(0, -300)); effect->setLife(1.0f); effect->setSpeed(350); effect->setSpeedVar(20); effect->setPosition(position); node->addChild(effect); //log("add effect"); }
I remember that create() will autorelease unused objects. I do not know why it keeps stealing my memory. Original memory usage was 65K and after I broke through Level 9 it became 200K and even more.
Thank you.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
What do you mean Level 9?
MoseHasLikes 0
Sorry I did not mention that this is Popstar game.
All in all, everytime I eliminate stars and produce particle effect, memory usage increases. That is why I said Level 9 (from Level 1 to 9, hundreds of stars were eliminated.)
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
after the effect has finished trying removing it like so
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MoseHasLikes 0
Now here is my question. How do I control the effect and remove it after a period of time?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
After each levels perhaps delete all effects?
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MoseHasLikes 0
I think it will be a little bit difficult.
This is my structure of Popstar,
The particle effect is in StarMatrix.cpp, and I call the function whenever I detect a group of stars with same color. In other words, if 5 stars is eliminated, particle effect runs 5 times in a 10 x 10 for-loop due to my width and height of the matrix. The function type is void, and I create the particle effect in StarParticle.cpp, which means I cannot delete the particles in StarMatrix.cpp, And I tried to delete particles in StarParticle.cpp, either particles were deleted immediately and nothing showed up or I failed to remove the particles.
If I make you confuse I apologize for that. I have no idea how to explain it any more specificly.
MoseHasLikes 0
Will this cause memory issue?
//#StarMatrix.cpp ... for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) createParticleEffect(color, position, this); ... }
//#StarParticle.cpp void createParticleEffect(const int color, const Point position, Node* node) { ParticleExplosion* effect = ParticleExplosion::create(); effect->setTexture(Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage("star.png")); effect->setTotalParticles(800); effect->setStartColor(getColor4F(color)); effect->setStartColorVar(Color4F(0, 0, 0, 1)); effect->setEndColor(getColor4F(color)); effect->setEndColorVar(Color4F(0, 0, 0, 1)); effect->setStartSize(25.0f); effect->setGravity(Point(0, -300)); effect->setLife(0.3f); effect->setSpeed(350); effect->setSpeedVar(20); effect->setPosition(position); node->addChild(effect); }
I am thinking if I use a double for-loop to create multiple particle effects, the pointer of later-created particle will overwrite the former one. I guess this might cause memory leak.
MoseHasLikes 0
After 3 days debugging and struggling, I have succeeded deleting these leaked memory.
I assume that everytime we produce the particle effect without assigning pointers to it will cause memory leak. Therefore, I create an array to store the pointers.
ParticleExplosion* effect[100];
I was trying to create effect[10][10] but failed, so I had no choice but use one dimension array and calculate the index by myself.
Then I use CallFunc::create to make this->removeChild(effect) a action. Finally I create a sequence to run DelayTime and CallFunc.
I hope there will not be too many obstacles before I finish the game.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Great to hear :D
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