Pop-out Menu and GPGS(Google Play Game Service)

  • MoseHas
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    Hi there.

    There are several questions that I would like to ask.


    Last time I solved the popout menu by creating a new scene. But now I want to create a simple pop out menu such as a confirm dialog.

    For example, if I want to quit the game, it will ask “Are you sure to quit?” but I don’t want to create a new scene for this.

    I tried to create a new sublayer in my GameLayer and add some sprites on the layer. Turns out it worked well. However, there was a problem. The sub-background did cover on the top of the layer, but I could still click the stars underneath it. I need to add a confirm dialog and prevent clicking the lower layer. How can I implement this function?

    #The original display

    #Call out the sublayer and add the HelloWorld sprite.

    #Still I can click the stars below the HelloWorld sprite. How could I prevent it?



    I have seen there is a tutorial video about GPGS(Google Play Game Service).


    And I also found this on the GooglePlayDeveloper page.


    Normally I use cpp, and yet the tutorial is for including JS into cpp. Will there be a simple tutorial for cpp class gpg?


    Thank you.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    1. Create a boolean variable called isPaused which is checked around the logic for clicking the stars.
    2. Use these videos http://www.sonarlearning.co.uk/coursepage.php?topic=game&course=sonar-cocos-helper


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  • MoseHas
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    I thought there will be a pop-out menu object that we can use or something like that.

    So there is no other way but set boolean to turn on/off the onTouch function?

    Thank you.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Not that I know of.

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  • MoseHas
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    Well, ok. I was expecting there would be a much more convenient class for the function.

    Thanks anyway.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    We will look into creating it for our Cocos Helper in the UI plugin coming soon

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  • MoseHas
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    We beginners appreciate your effort so much!

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Glad to be of assistance

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  • barabasandras1
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    I did this by creating a new class inherited from Layer. When it initalizes I just pause every listener that is linked to it’s parent layer (which is the game background actually). 

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  • MoseHas
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    sounds like a pretty good method as well, thank you!

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Sounds good :D

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