Popstar: Stars Animation Question

  • MoseHas
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    Hi there. I am now studying how to make my stars run animation. (Like slightly shaking or something like that)

    I checked the Animation usage. They said that we need the picture and its plist file.

    But I do not know how to modify it to make it display in animation style.

    Here is my code.

    #include "Star.h"
    #include "Definitions.h"
    Star* Star::create(int color)
    	Star* ret = new Star();
    	if (ret && ret->initWithFile(ret->getImage(color, 1)))
    		ret->color = color;
    		ret->selected = false;
    		return ret;
    	return nullptr;
    * To get the image path. 
    * _switch: 1. get image.png | 2. get image.plist
    char* Star::getImage(const int& color,const int& _switch)
    	if (_switch == 1)
    		switch (color)
    		case enumColor::BLUE:
    			return "blue.png";
    		case enumColor::GREEN:
    			return "green.png";
    		case enumColor::YELLOW:
    			return "orange.png";
    		case enumColor::RED:
    			return "red.png";
    		case enumColor::PURPLE:
    			return "purple.png";
    	else if (_switch == 2)
    		switch (color)
    		case enumColor::BLUE:
    			return "blue.plist";
    		case enumColor::GREEN:
    			return "green.plist";
    		case enumColor::YELLOW:
    			return "orange.plist";
    		case enumColor::RED:
    			return "red.plist";
    		case enumColor::PURPLE:
    			return "purple.plist";
    	else log("star.cpp(Star::getImage) : error : 'Star::getImage' return value is invalid");
    void Star::updatePosition()
    	if(desPosition.y != getPositionY())
    		* The falling speed of the stars
    		*but still do not know why subtract 4
    		setPositionY(getPositionY() - MOVE_SPEED);
    		if(getPositionY() < desPosition.y) setPositionY(desPosition.y);
    	if(desPosition.x != getPositionX())
    		setPositionX(getPositionX() - MOVE_SPEED);
    		if(getPositionX() < desPosition.x) setPositionX(desPosition.x);

    And this is an example for animation creating I just found out on Google.

    SpriteBatchNode* spritebatch = SpriteBatchNode::create("ball.png");
    	SpriteFrameCache* cache = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance();
    	auto Sprite1 = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("ball_0");
    	Sprite1->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height * 0.4);
    	Vector<SpriteFrame*> animFrames(10);
    	char str[100] = { 0 };
    	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    		sprintf(str, "ball_%d", i);
    		SpriteFrame* frame = cache->getSpriteFrameByName(str);
    	Animation* animation = Animation::createWithSpriteFrames(animFrames, 0.05f);

    How to bind them together? I have tried several ways and none of them worked.

    Thank you.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Did it come with a .plist

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  • MoseHas
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    Yes, the animation should play the frame pictures by reading .plist.

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Does he have a tutorial on how to use it?

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  • MoseHas
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    The original source code did not contain animation part. I just want to make it cooler so I started studying putting every star animate.

    Is that practicable?

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Yes it is, first jsut learn animation without implementing it into your game.

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  • MoseHas
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    	SpriteBatchNode* spritebatch = SpriteBatchNode::create("ball.png");
    	SpriteFrameCache* cache = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance();
    	auto Sprite1 = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("ball_0");
    	Sprite1->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height * 0.4);
    	Vector animFrames(10);
    	char str[100] = { 0 };
    	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    		sprintf(str, "ball_%d", i);
    		SpriteFrame* frame = cache->getSpriteFrameByName(str);
    	Animation* animation = Animation::createWithSpriteFrames(animFrames, 0.05f);

    This is how I implement animation through .plist file, which I found the tutorial on Google.

    However, my original way to create a sprite is creating a star class which is inherited from Sprite and initWithFile(), not createWithSpriteFrameName().

    I have found that there is another way to create sprites through initWithSpriteFrameName(), but it says that I cannot use it due to the fact that it is non-static member function.

    Well, now I have no idea how I could implement it.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Coudl you show us a screenshot of the log.

  • MoseHas
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    I tried to implement it and I realized that it was not impossible. Just I need to MODIFY the entire core function. So I give up.

    (I have to change the return type to SpriteBatchNode to let the StarMatrix could get it, but the change would be too huge.)

    Thank you.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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