How can i compile the sample code of cocos2d-xv3.6 on Xcode 6.4, target iOS8.4

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Hello is this a fresh project?

  • kooljay
    Likes 0

    Yes, this is the NEW CREATED project. i have no customized anything. I just followed your steps to create and compile iOS project.

  • kooljay
    Likes 0


    I upload an video to show steps by steps to the errors:

    Thank you for any helps!


  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Why are you using Android Studio?

  • kooljay
    Likes 0

    I updated e5.jpg image from the link above.

    That is the reason why my xcode could not compile a default codes from cocos2d-x build. I had to add library of cocos2d by hand in the Linked Framework in Xcode Setting.

    You asked “why i am using AndroidStudio (AS)?” because it easy to debug, and add thirdparty to project.

    But i just knew that AS 1.2.2 could not build app natively. I should wait for 1.3 version.

    Thank you for asking me!

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Use Eclipse for running as Androis Studio doesn’t really support Cocos2d-x ATM.

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