How to save a file on a server?

  • finalpets
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    i want to save my game data on a server, i have .plist f(has score,life,HP,MP) i have it locally on my devices now. There are a Method on cocos2dx? or java? to save files on a server, please any help?

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Do you mean on your server/hosting?

  • finalpets
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    Yes, or google play services has the way to save (xml,.plist,json) ?i want to upload a simple Diccionary file called savegame.plistt with some keys, buy i have only locally on my devices, if i clean data on the cell phone, the save data erase too, so the progress of the player is gone

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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