Can I Offset Physics Shape?

  • efares
    Likes 0

    Problem Description


    I am trying to make a 2D race game using Cocos2d-x JavaScript. In my game, the players move left to right on the screen at a constant speed and there is no gravity. The player has a faceBody and carBody which create “the racer” and I only care about collision detection. Do I have to make a shape for each body or can I make 1 shape and make it the size of both bodies?

    As you can see from my picture, if I do the 1 shape option, can I offset the shape to cover both bodies instead of it being centred to the faceBody? So I want to move the shape down and to the right.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Try setting the position.

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  • efares
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    I tried but I don’t know if I’m either using the wrong syntax or it simply can’t be done because of physics and center of gravity reasons?

    I tried:
    playerShape.x → undefined
    playerShape.getPositionX → undefined
    playerShape.getPositionX() → says it’s not a function
    I also looked into the Chipmunk documentation and there was something about chipmunk_unsafe.h? But my project is in JS.

    Is there a way to do this or will I just have to create a shape for both bodies after all?

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Try ->setPosition();

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  • efares
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    It says setPosition(x, y) is not a function.

    I tried playerShape.p = cc.p(x, y) and it does not produce any errors but it also does not seem to have any effects. The red square doesn’t seem to move when I use that.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    I would say use a custom physics body

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  • efares
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    It’s ok, I decided to just use the carShape and not have a faceShape.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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