Chartboost cocosHelper Problem

  • finalpets
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    My app crashes after show and interstitial or video this is the log:

    No implementation found for void (tried Java_sonar_systems_frameworks_ChartBoost_ChartBoostAds_FullscreenAdPreloaded and Java_sonar_systems_frameworks_ChartBoost_ChartBoostAds_FullscreenAdPreloaded__Z)

    and this

     No implementation found for void (tried Java_sonar_systems_frameworks_ChartBoost_ChartBoostAds_rewardVideowasViewedChartboost and Java_sonar_systems_frameworks_ChartBoost_ChartBoostAds_rewardVideowasViewedChartboost__Z)

    So i check the functions and there are no implementation,

        public static native void rewardVideowasViewedChartboost(boolean result);
        public static native void FullscreenAdPreloaded(boolean result);

    what cain i do? i didnt call reward or preload function



  • finalpets
    Likes 0

    i found the problem in the file JNIResults.h and JNIResults.cpp 

    in the name of the function: 

    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sonar_systems_frameworks_Chartboost_ChartBoostAds_FullscreenAdPreloaded(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jboolean result)

    and i change the Chartboost folder name to ChartBoost 

    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sonar_systems_frameworks_ChartBoost_ChartBoostAds_FullscreenAdPreloaded(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jboolean result)

    becasuse the path folder for CharBoost is:


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