Resize physics sprite causes offset to physics shape

  • efares
    Likes 0

    Problem Description


    I'm using Cocos2d-x v3.7 (JavaScript) with Chipmunk Physics.
    To add a physics sprite I am doing this:

    this.carSprite = new cc.PhysicsSprite.create("#car.png");
    var carSize = this.carSprite.getContentSize();
    // Create and add the car's physics body 
    var carBody = new cp.Body(1, cp.momentForBox(1, carSize.width, carSize.height));;
    // Create and add the car's physics shape
    var carShape = new cp.BoxShape(carBody, carSize.width, carSize.height);;

    I'm not sure if this is the best way to add a physics sprite but it works fine and produces this:

    Now I want to resize the physics sprite based on dimensions of my map so I do this:

    this.carSprite = new cc.PhysicsSprite.create("#car.png");
    var carSize = this.carSprite.getContentSize();
    var spaceForCar = [math to calculate allotted space];
    var scaleCarSize = spaceForCar / carSize.height;
    this.carSprite.setContentSize(cc.size(carSize.width * scaleCarSize, carSize.height * scaleCarSize));
    carSize = this.carSprite.getContentSize(); // new contentSize
    // Create and add the car's physics body 
    var carBody = new cp.Body(1, cp.momentForBox(1, carSize.width, carSize.height));;
    // Create and add the car's physics shape
    var carShape = new cp.BoxShape(carBody, carSize.width, carSize.height);;

    And this is produced:

    Any idea how to align and centre the physics shape to the physics body after modifying the sprite size?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Try setting the anchor point.

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  • efares
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    That doesn’t work.

    When I try to set the anchor point for either carBody or carShape it gives me an error saying carBody.setAnchorPoint is not a function and carShape.setAnchorPoint is not a function.

  • efares
    Likes 0

    I don’t suppose there’s a JavaScript version of this video is there?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Not ATM sorry.

  • efares
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    I’m looking at this page: and it says “Warning: Physics body doesn't support this [scaling]”

    Could this be the reason of my physics issue?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    It would appear, so good spot. Best bet is to create a custom physics body using this tutorial

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  • efares
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    That is a good tutorial but I have a JS project so how do I go about handling the MyBodyParser.cpp and .h file? As well as the required json folder? I don’t see it in the external folder of my JavaScript Cocos project.

    Thanks for the quick replies!

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    This reply has been verified.
  • efares
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    Awesome, thanks but I just discovered something.

    When I comment out this line:

    // this.carSprite.setContentSize(cc.size(carSize.width * scaleCarSize, carSize.height * scaleCarSize));

    So I don’t modify the car’s contentSize and then modify this line:

    var carShape = new cp.BoxShape(carBody, carSize.width - scaleDifferenceOfWidth, carSize.height - scaleDifferenceOfHeight);

    I can set the shape size while still keeping the anchors centered. It works perfectly fine this way :)

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    I am really looking forward to your game, feel free to showcase it at and we will post about it via our social media and blog.

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  • efares
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    I’ll definitly keep that in mind. But might be a while, we’re only a 2-person team. 1 developer and 1 designer.
    Coming soon though haha.

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  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 1

    Small steps :D

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 1

    Big things have small beginnings

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