What is the best way to switch between scenes?
Cocos2d-JS v3-
efaresLikes 0Problem Description
I have a **menuScene** and a **playScene** and I would like to know if I am switching between scenes the right way.
From the menuScene I am using
cc.director.runScene(new PlayScene()); // Play button
And then from the playScene I also use
cc.director.runScene(new MenuScene()); // Exit button
Should I be pushing/popping the menuScene? It's just a play button with a background image.
If you can explain how to properly use the push/pop scene that would be very helpful!
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
In Cocos2d-x JavaScript runScene pops a scene if there is one to pop then pushes the one specified.
efaresLikes 0
OK so that means I don’t need to worry about pushing and popping scenes then right? All that is handled by Cocos2d-x even if that code says a new scene it doesn’t really make a new one?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 1
Yh that is corrent.
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