[Cocos2dx] - Google protocol buffer in cocos2dx

  • igorppbr
    Likes 0

    Problem Description


    I’m trying to integrate Nextpeer SDK with my cocos2dx game, in the tutorial of Nextpeer has a part that say that is necessary to use Google protocol buffer to send messages to players.

    How can I use protocol buffer in cocos2dx game? I cant find any tutorial about this for cocos2dx.


  • igorppbr
    Likes 0

    You have a guide to how can I use this in cocos2dx?

    I have read the google documentation but its confuse to me, I dont know how to include protocol buffer in cocos2dx.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    We don’t ATM but we will look into providing something for the community in the future.

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