how nodes are added in cocos2d-x

  • pabitrapadhy
    Likes 2

    Problem Description


    we know, when we run a game we create a scene object and an object of the class added as child to that scene object like this-


    Scene * HelloWorld::createScene()


    auto scene = Scene::create();

    auto layer = HelloWorld:;create();


    return scene;



    Now, firstly the object of HelloWorld class is added as a child to the scene object.

    Say, If I have 3 sprite objects created inside init() of HelloWorld and these need are added as child to the object of HelloWorld


    My Question – 
    1. If I am not specifying any zOrder while adding them as child, how will be they added ? (A graphical answered is greatly appreciated)
    2. How the in-order traversal of nodes are working in cocos2d-x works.

    3, Is that tree to which the nodes are added as child is a binary tree.. ?? (Surely not, as each node can have a number of children, show how they are added)


    Answer is greatly appreciated if they could be given in drawings.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 3


    1. The following should help
    2. In terms of ordering nodes, if a z index isn’t specified then the node added last is on top
    3. The above link should help with this answer

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  • pabitrapadhy
    Likes 2

    Thank You.
    Exactly what I’ve been looking for. :)

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 1

    Great to hear

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