Tic-Tac-Toe Cocos2d-x C++ Tutorial Series

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    Individual tutorials are awesome but you want to know how to create a game from scratch with features like game center and ads. This series will show just that with Tic-Tac-Toe.

    Solution Description

    Planned tutorial list:

    1. Project Setup
      1. Prerequisites (C++, Cocos2d-x, project created, multi device implemented, Cocos Helper)
      2. Rename HelloWorldScene to Splash Scene and update Android,mk file
      3. Change to Portrait Mode
      4. Add assets
    2. Scene Creation
      1. MainMenuScene
      2. GameScene
    3. Implement Splash Scene
      1. Sonar Games logo appears for 3 seconds then goes to Main Menu Scene
      2. Create Definitions.h file and abstract timings & image
    4. Implement Main Menu Scene
      1. Background
      2. Title
      3. Play button
      4. Audio button
    5. Grid
      1. Show grid
      2. Place piece (X/O) on grid
      3. Win condition
    6. AI
    7. Game Over Popup
    8. Pause Popup
    9. Achievements
      1. Button on main menu
      2. Implement achievements based on certain conditions

  • JETeran
    Likes 0

    This sounds awesome! Are you planning to release it soon?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Hopefully, been a bit busy with some other stuff but we are working on it.

  • TheGDK
    Likes 0

    I’m so hyped for this!

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    SAME :D

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