Lopez83Likes 1
I've attached a file to my webpage. There are 3 sections I was hoping someone can get the on click animation to work. So the first link is the 'Click me' link which would go to the first section of my container. Then second one is 'CV' which I want to go to the second section of the page, the area where I have my CV details. and thirdly the 'Contact me' link to go to the last section of the container which is at the bottom. Oh and please if its not a problem could you make it so when a user clicks on the 'Home' link it scrolls back to the very top of the screen.
can anyone help do this for me please because I’m jus a begginer and dont really know where start off. thanks!
Lopez83Likes 0
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
I couldn’t find sections for Portfolio and Report so I just created some empty <div>’s for them. This should help you expand it as needed in the future.
If this has helped answer your question don’t forget to mark it as solved.
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Lopez83Likes 0
Do you kno what! thanks soo much! this is EXACTLY the kind of animation I wanted! Just a few things you didnt do tho and I hope isnt a problem for few to fix for me...basically I have a ‘Click me’ link under my title at the top. I wanted that link to scroll to the first section of my container which is the section where I speak about myself. On the html I think its starts from div id=p1...oh and lastly the javascript code you did was in the html file I was hoping you could have put it in a ‘.js file’
by the way dont worry about doing any links to Portfolio and Report because I was going to make seperate pages for those! sorry I should of mentioned this...anyways I’ve screen shot some images so you can see exactly what I was hoping for.. i’ll attach the link to these in the next post...please I would really appreciate if you actually do all this for me because im really panicking about this deadline day now...
Lopez83Likes 0
hey how you doing man! as requested I have attached a link to my webpage again.
Lopez83Likes 1
aah man YES! you are definitely the MAN! thanks so much bro!
Lopez83Likes 1
aah man YES! you are definitely the MAN! thanks so much bro!
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