About how to storage data in c++ and cocos2d

  • hamlet
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    Problem Description

    Hello, good morning , i am in the final’s part of my game , i need to create one method for save one Permutation type (n+r-1)!/r! (n-1)! for make a list of all posible combination, i have a lazy idea of how to  make it, i have one vector that take 6 sprite (vector A)of 24 inside of static method (with one array of 6 position),  then apllying the formula will be= 134,596 posible combination , thas problem is that i could think using one vector list(vector B) for this will be so slow for the vector A  go inside of the vector B for make a comparition and return true or false if the combination is inside of the list, my question what can i use for build thas list and be dinamic for the game?. Thank you Sonar Learning.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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