Abdou23Likes 0Problem Description
cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, properties: { flags: { default: [], type: [cc.Node], }, speed: 2, _currentMove: 0, _forward: true, }, // use this for initialization onLoad: function () { }, start: function () { this.node.position = this.flags[0].position; }, // called every frame, uncomment this function to activate update callback update: function (dt) { this.movement(); }, movement: function () { // comparePos is a custome helper method, check bottom of script if (this.comparePos(this.node.position, this.flags[this._currentMove].position) && this._forward) { this._currentMove++; this.moveActions(); } else if (this.comparePos(this.node.position, this.flags[this._currentMove].position) && !this._forward) { this._currentMove--; this.moveActions(); } if (this._currentMove >= this.flags.length - 1) { this._currentMove = this.flags.length - 1; this._forward = !this._forward; } else if (this._currentMove <= 0) { this._currentMove = 0; this._forward = !this._forward; } }, moveActions: function () { var move = cc.moveTo(this.speed, this.flags[this._currentMove].position); this.node.runAction(move); }, comparePos: function (a, b) { return Math.round(a.x) == Math.round(b.x) && Math.round(a.y) == Math.round(b.y) }, });
I'm using Cocos Creator, basically I have an array of empty objects, and I want my enemy to patrol back and forth towards those objects. The problem is the enemy would complete a full round ( move towards all objects and back) and then gives me error when it goes back to the first object, strangely enough, sometimes it will complete more than 1 round before giving the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'position' of undefined
It might be because the position comparison is not accurate enough, but I don't know how else to do it.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
What line is this error referring to?
Abdou23Likes 0
var move = cc.moveTo(this.speed, this.flags[this._currentMove].position);
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Have you tried loggin out the position to see what value you get?
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