ETC1 Textures for Android devices(Javascript)

  • olegkarman
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    Hello again! Have a problem like this: I’ve created a game for WEB and now I want to transfer it on Android device. I need to use ETC1 compressed textures due to many sprites and animations but I can’t find any tutorial or sample how to add this textures.


    Could you send me some documentations or tutorial about how to add this ETC1 textures into my project?

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Are you using Native code or Cocos2d-x?

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  • olegkarman
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    I’m using Cocos2d

  • olegkarman
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    Is there any problem with theme? Because every topic in some forums that I read ended with no answer. Like noone want to speak about this.
    Also I have a question: is it possible to use force hardware acceleration for Android devices?

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    It shouldn’t be a proble, you should be able to use the extures the same way.

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  • olegkarman
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    What do you mean?

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    What is the problem you are having loading the textures on mobile.

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  • olegkarman
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    I don’t know how to load ETC1 textures (I mean *.pkm texture files) into my project.
    Or how should I correctly load my .png textures and sprites for less GPU usage?

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Is there any particular reason you want to load ETC1 textures over png

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  • olegkarman
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    I load many images and armatures and my FPS drop down to 25-35 FPS and I read that ETC1 textures load faster than PNG.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    How many are you loading and have you tried Spritesheets?

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  • olegkarman
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    Wroting Sprites I mean SpriteSheets. I just need to know how to load .pkm files with separate alpha-file into the project.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    separte alpha file?

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  • olegkarman
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    I used Mali Texture Compression Tools to convert PNG into PKM texture file(ETC1), but ETC1 does not support ALPHA channel so this program also create separate file with this channel.

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