Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
I would say load them on something like a loading or splashscreen
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olegkarmanLikes 0
Can I use asynchronized (background) functions for loading (ccs.load)?
Splashscreen – what is that and how it looks like?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
A splashscreen is shown at the start of the game and usually displays the company logo.
olegkarmanLikes 0
Is there any example about how create Splash Screen for Android? Because I can’t find any.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Use an empty scene in Cocos
olegkarmanLikes 0
For example, I will create and empty scene. Inside it I will put some Sprite with animation to represent the loading process. But if I call “ccs.load” method it would freeze my scene and animation.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Don’t put an animation but just a simple static image.
olegkarmanLikes 0
Ok, one more question. When I use “ccs.load” method it create nodes using my .plist file and my spritesheet. When I add this nodes on my screen it place a piece of its sprite. Can I, somehow, get a Sprite of a certain node?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
You want the sprite image of a node that is already created?
AnitaJohnLikes 0
2021 Dodge Ram 1500 TRX
The battle for the best high-performance pickup is becoming interesting, now that the Dodge Ram 1500 TRX 2021 pickup with 702 hp has entered the arena, the Ram 1500 TRX half-tonne powered by a Hellcat engine and is targeting the Ford F-150 Raptor. Ford F-150 Raptor "directly, the new Ram 1500 TRX is 8 inches wider than the regular Ram 1500. Continue with us reading the following report and everything you need to know about the price and specifications of the Ram 1500 2021 TRX."
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