Scaling a sprite in cocos2dx

  • tanmay
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    I have two sprites in my cocos2dx project, a background image and a logo. Instead of resizing these two resources for each of the devices, I want to keep only a single version of them, in HD but I want them to be scaled according to the device resolution. This is what I’ve been doing:

    bg = Sprite::create("Splash_Screen_BG.png");
    bg->setPosition(Point((visibleSize.width/2) + origin.x,(visibleSize.height/2) + origin.y));
    bg->setScale(visibleSize.width / bg->getContentSize().width, visibleSize.height / bg->getContentSize().height);
    logo = Sprite::create("Splash_Logo.png");
    logo->setPosition(Point((visibleSize.width/2) + origin.x,220));

    The background, bg scales properly on any device but the logo doesn’t. i.e. When the project is run on a 240x320 android emulator the logo looks huge and it looks way smaller on a 1080x1920 device because the logo size always remains the same and doesn’t scale. How can I make the logo scale automatically regardless of whatever size of device the application is running on?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 1

    Which tutorial series did you use for this method?

  • tanmay
    Likes 0

    Yours of course. Cocos 2dx V3 C++. You used seperate resources for each of the iDevices. But what if I wanted to use the same resource on any device?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    That method is now outdated and we now have an improved method, check this series out 

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