olegkarmanLikes 0Problem Description
Hello. I have a specific problem with Google Play Services on Android. I’ve implemented Sonar Plugin and it works great for two games, but in third when i’m trying to display the leaderboard it shows me Game Service page without leaderboard with a message “Hmm, something went wrong in Play Games”. I’m using cocos2d-js v.3.10.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
What Cocos2d-x/js version are you using for your other 2 games.
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olegkarmanLikes 0
All games are using cocos2d-js v.3.10.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
That is weird, do you get any logs in the console?
olegkarmanLikes 0
No. Just the submit message:
08-16 11:21:53.554 15944-15944/bundle.name D/Google Play Services: Submit score 11 to CgkIk9WH46AaEAIQHg
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Confirm the code its sending to
olegkarmanLikes 0
What do you mean?
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
I mean the id for your account that you use in the settings.
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olegkarmanLikes 0
I’ve rechecked the id that i used in the SonarFrameworkSettings.xml and in the Google Dev Console, but nothing helps.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Try going through the setup process for Google Play again, I understand it’s annoying but something may have gone wrong during the setup process.
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olegkarmanLikes 0
I've tried to reinstall Cocos Helper. I also release the game, thought that it would help, but error still remains. Furthermore my in-app purchases not working – "Authentication is required"
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
What system are you using for in-app purchase.
olegkarmanLikes 0
I found a problem. Somehow i insert the wrong SHA-key. I had to remake the game and use new SHA-key. After this Google Play Services work good.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Fantastic to hear you solved this.
If you have anymore questions don’t hesitate to ask,
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