Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
The lower the number the more devices are supported but certain features won’t work as they require a certain API Level. You have to have balance up the features desired and intended target market.
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pnyusbLikes 0
ok thx for the answer
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Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Your welcome :D
pnyusbLikes 0
I have an other question, I don’t understand the difference between project android and project android-studio.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
project-android is to be used with Eclipse essentially and project-android-studio is an android project to be used with only Android Studio.
I hope this helps explain the difference.
pnyusbLikes 0
Ok that’s what I thought, thx
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Your welcome.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
If you have anymore questions feel free to post them
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