jbardiLikes 0Problem Description
The Tiled app is very popular for making tilemaps for mobile games and both Cocos2d-x and Cocos2d-JS have support for them, however, unlike Cocos2d-x, there are almost no tutorials for Cocos2d-JS anywhere on the web, in fact, you have more videos on Cocos2d-JS than anyone, but I am simply stumped on the proper use of the cc.TMXTiledMap features of Cocos2d-JS. Until I figure this out my game development has come to a halt as all 3 of the games I have in the pipeline are going to require the use of TMX tile maps along with my sprite sheets.
So far I have the following line:
var tmxTiledMap = new cc.TMXTiledMap(res.level1);
Which is the correct way to load the tilemap, and the test app runs fine without errors, however, I am stumped beyond that as to how to access the individual objects in the tilemap, such as the player, enemies, blocks, etc.
I really hope you consider doing a tutorial on this.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Check this link out of ours http://cocos.sonarlearning.co.uk/v1.0/docs/basic-objects-tilemap
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