pabitrapadhyLikes 1Problem Description
I am trying to achieve the same MoveTo action and JumpTo action but without using the Actions in cocos2d-x.The reason for this is my game has wind effect and I need to alter the end location.
I’ve been through the source code of JumpBy update() and MoveBy update(), but i am not clear how do they do it.
I will give you an instance of what i want –
i know the start point and end point, (say start point contains a sprit and end point is the crosshair where i need to throw the target in trajectory path)
time from the start point to the crosshari is 1 second.
how can I achieve this.. !!
please help me.
Thank you in advance.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Have you tried using actions but with easing as that may be able to replicate the wind effect when moving objects.
Kind regards
Sonar Team
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pabitrapadhyLikes 0
nope, that’s not what would do.
actually in my game I have a left to right / right to left wind effect with certain velocity
say with wind effect enabled each time the x value will be added with an offset of 1 in the update funciton itself.
I need to understand the logic behind JumpBy update function and how they do it with time.
when I use Jump by – i have the start and endpos so, i can calculate the height and the x differencewhen i try it with JumpBy it works fine, but i am failing to understand the logic, that how it works.
could you please help me.. !!This reply has been verified.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
MoveTo is easier to get around but JumpTo has a lot to it.
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pabitrapadhyLikes 0
yes.. basically i am trying to understand this piece of code.
in some easier termsvoid JumpBy::update(float t) { // parabolic jump (since v0.8.2) if (_target) { float frac = fmodf( t * _jumps, 1.0f ); float y = _height * 4 * frac * (1 - frac); y += _delta.y * t; float x = _delta.x * t; #if CC_ENABLE_STACKABLE_ACTIONS Vec2 currentPos = _target->getPosition(); Vec2 diff = currentPos - _previousPos; _startPosition = diff + _startPosition; Vec2 newPos = _startPosition + Vec2(x,y); _target->setPosition(newPos); _previousPos = newPos; #else _target->setPosition(_startPosition + Vec2(x,y)); #endif // !CC_ENABLE_STACKABLE_ACTIONS } } This reply has been verified.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
There is a reason it’s done for you as realistic jumping isn’t easy but you may be able to replicate what you want with a mixture of normal actions with easing inside a sequence.
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pabitrapadhyLikes 1
Thank you for your help.
I got a forum reply from @mannewalisgreatly explained by him. Please do refer if anyone is seeking more knoledge. :)
here’s the link – http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org/t/explain-update-of-jumpby/20124/9?u=pabitrapadhyalso.. I want to thank SonarSystem for their quick and helpful response. :)
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Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
Your welcome :D
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