How to change Admob ad banner position from TOP to BOTTOM (and vice vera)

  • abhishek
    Likes 0

    Problem Description


    i used this tutorial to implement ads in my cocos2d-x project. i made the project using cocos2d-x and xcode.

    i managed to integrate ads in the app, but the ads are shown on the top. I am not so good with java, and need help to move ads to the bottom of the screen.

    i know i have to edit some code in section 3.5. Editing Java file

    please help me out


  • Sonar Systems admin
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  • abhishek
    Likes 0

    hi guys..

    thanks a lot for the quick reply.

    but this link seems to have a complete java code, whereas i used code from this link:

    so can you help me out in the specific method i have used?

    i also tried these options: but the apk does not run at all on devices. it just crashes so i have no way to check it.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Check if there is a function like this or something similar




  • abhishek
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    i tried checking it out.. there is no option like setPosition..

    i even tried gravity.. but nothing works.. 

    adView.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM); → this line also gives error..(method setGravity is undefined for the type adView)

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Have you tried posting this on the cocos2d-x forums

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