iamkunalLikes 0Problem Description
I made the game space shooter in Unity and in this game i have a 3 buttons. 1) Left 2) Right 3) Fire but i want the player continuously shoot (fire) and its movement from left to right work with thumb.
This are the some code which I used in the game.
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ShootScript : MonoBehaviour { public int dammage = 0; public bool isEnemyShot = true; public Sprite lightDestroy; public float laserTime = 500; private float increament; void Update() { laserTime += Time.deltaTime; if (laserTime <= 0) { Destroy(gameObject); } } void FixedUpdate() { if (!isEnemyShot) { this.transform.Translate (Vector2.up * 8f * Time.deltaTime); } else { this.transform.Translate (Vector2.up * -3 * Time.deltaTime); } } void OnCollisionEnter2D( Collision2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Player" || coll.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") { gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1); gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = lightDestroy; gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider2D> ().isTrigger = true; Destroy (gameObject, 2.0f); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class TouchControl : MonoBehaviour { public GUITexture moveLeft; public GUITexture moveRight; public GUITexture fire; public GameObject player; private PlayerMovement playerMove; private Weapon[] weapons; void Start() { playerMove = player.GetComponent<PlayerMovement> (); } void CallFire() { weapons = player.GetComponentsInChildren<Weapon> (); foreach (Weapon weapon in weapons) { if(weapon.enabled == true) weapon.Fire(); } } void Update() { // int i = 0; if(Input.touchCount > 0) { for(int i =0; i < Input.touchCount; i++) { // if(moveLeft.HitTest(Input.GetTouch(i).position, Camera.main)) // { // if(Input.touchCount > 0) // { // playerMove.MoveLeft();
iamkunalLikes 0
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour { public float speedMove = 3.0f; public float bonusTime; private bool toLeft = false; private bool toRight = false; public GameObject shield; public GUIText bonustimeText; private bool counting = false; private float counter; private Weapon[] addWeapons; public Sprite strongShip; public Sprite normalSprite; public Sprite shieldSprite; private SpriteRenderer sRender; private Weapon weaponScript; void Start () { counter = bonusTime; sRender = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> (); addWeapons = GetComponentsInChildren<Weapon> (); foreach (Weapon addWeapon in addWeapons) { addWeapon.enabled = false; } weaponScript = GetComponent<Weapon>(); weaponScript.enabled = true; } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.A)) { toLeft = true; } if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.A)) { toLeft = false; } if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.D)) { toRight = true; } if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.D)) { toRight = false; } if (counting) { counter -= Time.deltaTime; bonustimeText.text = counter.ToString("#0.0"); } } void FixedUpdate() { if (toLeft) { MoveLeft(); } if (toRight) { MoveRight(); } } public void MoveLeft() { transform.Translate(Vector2.right * -speedMove* Time.deltaTime); } public void MoveRight() { transform.Translate(Vector2.right * speedMove * Time.deltaTime); } void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "StrongMode") { Destroy (coll.gameObject); counting = true; StrongMode(); Invoke (
iamkunalLikes 0
Weapon. cs
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Weapon : MonoBehaviour { public Transform laserPrefab ; public bool isEnemyWeapon = false; public float shootDelay = 1.0f; private float waitToShoot; void Start () { waitToShoot = 0f; } void Update () { if (waitToShoot > 0) { waitToShoot -= Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space) && isEnemyWeapon == false) { Fire(); } if (isEnemyWeapon == true && EnemyAttack == true) { waitToShoot = shootDelay; var shootLaser = Instantiate (laserPrefab) as Transform; Vector2 pos = shootLaser.transform.position; pos.x = transform.position.x ; pos.y = transform.position.y - 0.3f; shootLaser.transform.position = pos; SoundHelper.instanceSound.EnemyLaserSound(); } } public void Fire() { var shootLaser = Instantiate(laserPrefab) as Transform; Vector2 pos = shootLaser.transform.position; pos.x = transform.position.x; pos.y = transform.position.y + 0.5f; shootLaser.transform.position = pos; SoundHelper.instanceSound.PlayerLaserSound(); } public bool EnemyAttack { get { return waitToShoot <= 0f; } } }
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
What happens at the moment with the code?
iamkunalLikes 0
In this code when i am touch the right and left button its move right and left but i want right and left move from my thumbnail (Swipe). and whenever i enter in the game than automatic space ship fire. I don’t want to press the button always for fire.
Sonar Systems adminLikes 0
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