SFML Rolling a dice 3d animation

  • Animesh
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    I am making a Monopoly game using c++ and sfml. I wanted to display a 3d animation of rolling 2 dices and displaying random numbers between 1 to 6. I want code that uses sfml or Box2d or openGl or any library. I only know sfml! Can anyone help me with this! 

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    For 3D you will definitely need OpenGL, have you taken our OpenGL course?

  • Animesh
    Likes 0

    I haven’t taken that course. I don’t have much time left to submit my project and I don’t think I can complete my OpenGl course before the deadline. I just want to display a 3d animated dice roll on my monopoly game created using SFML(c++). Can I do this by learning box2d or any other small courses which i can complete within a week or so. Please help me with this!

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    Box2d is only for 2D physics, you can use my OpenGL course with the following discount link which will provide all the information you need https://www.udemy.com/opengl-tutorials/?couponCode=10GLCODE



  • Rascark
    Likes 0

    May I know who held the competition?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0


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