Problem with Cocos2d-x and GooglePlayServices tutorial

  • Chanzdog
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    Hi. I have followed the tutorial exactly as it is but when I run the program, I am getting errors upon running my application when integrated from the tutorial.

    Here is the log:

    03-07 00:46:55.113: D/ActivityThread(16321): handleBindApplication:com.DAJMAG.SCK
    03-07 00:46:55.123: D/ActivityThread(16321): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
    03-07 00:46:55.123: D/ActivityThread(16321): setTargetHeapMinFree:2097152
    03-07 00:46:55.153: W/dalvikvm(16321): Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Lcom/carlospinan/utils/UtilActivity;
    03-07 00:46:55.153: W/dalvikvm(16321): Class init failed in newInstance call (Lcom/DAJMAG/SCK/SCK;)
    03-07 00:46:55.153: D/AndroidRuntime(16321): Shutting down VM
    03-07 00:46:55.153: W/dalvikvm(16321): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x415e0db8)
    03-07 00:46:55.153: E/AndroidRuntime(16321): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    03-07 00:46:55.153: E/AndroidRuntime(16321): Process: com.DAJMAG.SCK, PID: 16321


    There is some problem I am havving with an UnsatifiedLinkError and unfortunately Java is not a language I am super familiar with.

    Any response is greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.

  • Chanzdog
    Likes 0

    Just used a new computer. Downloaded the SDK, NDK, cocos2d-x-2.2.6. I created a template project. Installed everything and set it up just like the video. Took 3 hours. And I am still getting the same error. This was on PC and earlier it was on Mac. So I am doing something wrong consistently. If anyone can help me solve this quickly, I would even consider monetary compensation. I am very desperate to fix this before next week. Thank you.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Any reason you are using Cocos2d-x 2.2.6?

    This reply has been verified.
  • Chanzdog
    Likes 0

    Sonar Systems, I am using it because of the iOS 64 bit support and the various bug fixes. What version is used in the tutorial? Could this be causing an issue?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Perhaps but use v3

  • Chanzdog
    Likes 0

    I cannot use v3. That would be weeks of refactoring the source to work for a newer version. Also, the version the tutorial is using has to be 2.x because the libraries used by Carlos Pinan are for 2.x.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    What NDK and SDK are you using?

  • Chanzdog
    Likes 0

    I updated my answer above. NDK rb9 and SDK from 20140702. The other computer uses a newer NDK but there is no difference. One machine was Windows, one was OSX and the same error occured.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Try r9D

  • Chanzdog
    Likes 1

    Okay. I will try this. Thank you.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Your welcome :D

  • Chanzdog
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    I tried with an earlier version of cocos-2dx. No change.


    I cannot find the rb9 NDK. It is not available anywhere anymore and I honestly don’t think that’s the issue.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Does a fresh project work?

  • Chanzdog
    Likes 0

    A fresh project builds find without the Google Play/Carlos Pinan libraries. But once I follow the instructions and install the library, I get the error listed in the first post. On two different OSes. Different NDKs. Still at a loss...

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    Just try it with a fresh project but with v3.x to see if that fixes it, if so then its a 2.x.x issue.

  • Chanzdog
    Likes 0

    Thanks for the suggestion. I am curious though. I do not think v3 is being used in the video so I don’t even think the tutorial would apply. Can you confirm that cocos2d-x v3 is being used?

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    With the Google Play Services tutorials v3.x is being used.

  • Ranzou
    Likes 2

    In, change:




    Or whatever the name of your library is in libs/armeabi minus the ‘lib’ prefix (Mine was ‘’).

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0


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